Studio Berar delivered for ,,National Theater Subotica,, AVOLITES – QUARC CONSOLE for the needs of their theater. This is another theater in a series that has opted for the Avolites Console. We noticed that this mixer is becoming more and more present on the theater stage, as well as that it is recommended by our and well-known foreign lighting designers.
They claim that Avolites Quarc creates magic.
Quarc provides designers with advanced intuitive programming capabilities. For example, when creating a playlist that includes shapes, shapes are automatically tracked and the usual tracking rules are followed. Then, it doesn’t need to work on the laptop, thus avoiding Windows from making unwanted updates. Super compact but still has all the capabilities of Titan. It is also much faster and tidier than existing models.
The Avolites Quartz is a digital lighting console featuring four DMX KSLR connectors, 10 playback folders and a 12.1-inch corner touchscreen. Quartz comes complete with a built-in finish and a vibrant 12.1-inch screen in a super compact design. the console provides full multi-user compatibility and is ideal for use as a spare or additional programming surface, reducing your programming time. One of the great advantages of Quarc is that it is available at a realistic price for a fully equipped professional console.
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